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Who We Are and What We Do

Who We Are

  The Children’s Advisory Commission (CAC) was established by the Indiana County Commissioners in 1994 and is considered a Tax-Exempt Governmental Entity and a Political Subdivision of Indiana County. We are housed under the Indiana County Department of Human Services operating budget. The CAC is not a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and therefore relies heavily upon voluntary membership dues, fundraising events, very limited grant opportunities, and kind donations from civic organizations, local businesses, and individuals.

  Our membership consists of community members and representatives from 60+ child-serving non-profit organizations and agencies from across Indiana County, surrounding counties, and the commonwealth. Our monthly meetings bring members to the table to share with, learn from, and educate each other of the purposes, goals, successes, and plans of our respective organizations. Membership in the commission allows for productive partnerships, a great sense of community, a sharing of resources, and reduction of redundancy of services.


  The Commission serves as a central connection to these organizations and, at the same time, we connect our members to our community. By organizing free-to-attend community events, members and the families they serve can come together to learn about each other while the children enjoy quality time with their families, learn about the world around them, and have a day of fun. Our two most successful events are the annual Family Fun Fest (since 2004) and Family Nature Palooza (since 2013). Combined, these two events are attended by over 800 families (over 1,500 children) each year. 

Our Community-Facing Committees

  • Safe Children's Network: Provides information on ways to prevent childhood injuries.

  • Early Care and Education: Teams with families and caregivers of children from birth to eight years old.

Value Statement

  The Commission respects and values the contributions of each member, and seeks to:

  • build an inclusive and diverse membership; and

  • to honor diversity in the entire
    Indiana County community,
    fostering respect for all


  • To develop and enhance communications and collaboration among the advocacy organizations, faith-based organizations, educational systems, human services providers, juvenile justice system, social justice agencies, and members of the community.

  • To identify the needs of children, adolescents, and their families in order to strengthen or provide opportunities for growth.

  • To leverage human and financial resources to support identified services.

  • To provide knowledge, feedback and support to CAC members in the development of their programs related to grant collaborations and community connections.

  • To serve as a resource gathering and information sharing organization.

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